๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธLovely Swap Private RPC

Minimize the risk of MEV bots on-chain by utilizing Lovely Swapโ€™s private Remote Procedure Call (RPC) for secure trading. The platform's private RPC is available on both Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain, providing an extra layer of protection to safeguard your trades from unfair advantages.

By utilizing this powerful tool, you can confidently trade without any apprehension of suffering from frontrunning or other illicit trading practices that may impede your investments. Lovely Swap's private RPC ensures a level playing field for all traders, enabling fair and transparent trading practices.

What the Private RPC does

In partnership with bloXroute, we are allowing users to submit their on-chain trades through a private channel. This means that when you execute a trade on Lovely Swap, your transactions are not publicly available in the mempool, and therefore, bots/MEV searchers will not be able to see your trade before it has been confirmed on the blockchain.

This means that there is no opportunity for on-chain bots to front-run your trades.

Privacy = good, how do I use the RPC?

The below instructions are for BNB chains, as we only support private RPCs on these chains.

1. Open Metamask and click on "Settings"

2. Click on "Networks", and then click on "Add Network" on the Networks menu.

3. Select "Custom Networks"

4. Add custom Lovely Swap Private RPC to your Metamask

Network Name


Chain ID



BNB MEV Protect Lovely Swap x bloXroute

BNB Chain




5. Switch to using this RPC in your Metamask

6. Transact as per normal

Why use Lovely Swap x bloXroute MEV Protect RPCs?

High Protection Rate

Lovely Swap x bloXroute MEV Protect RPCs can effectively prevent frontrunning and sandwich attacks at a very high success rate: 100% on Ethereum | ~85% on BNB Chain

Covers Most Frequently Used Chains

BNB Chain and Ethereum together account for over 80% of the total DeFi volume. Lovely Swap x bloXroute MEV Protect RPCs cover both chains.

Fast & Reliable Transaction

Transactions sent to Lovely Swap x bloXroute MEV Protect RPCs are processed and propagated by bloXroute's industry-leading low latency DeFi infrastructure, the Blockchain Distribution Network (BDN). That means fast and reliable transactions for users under a wide range of blockchain network statuses:

  • On Ethereum, you can expect >80% of the transactions to land on the next block and >95% to land on the first or second blocks

  • Land transactions on-chain faster during network congestion by leveraging bloXrouteโ€™s BDN

Free & Your Privacy is Protected

Yes, it's a free service from Lovely Swap. We don't plan to charge fees to use this service in the future, and we do not collect user information like IP or other personal data.

Last updated